
Posts Tagged ‘lettuce’

So I have a confession.  I have been wanting to post photos this week but I couldn’t.  I ran out of pictures I’d already processed and couldn’t do any more, because my desktop, which housed my copy of Photoshop (from college!) died.

After 7 years of working perfectly, it just wouldn’t turn on one day.  I thought it was the power supply, but I tried replacing that at the beginning of this week and no dice.  I blame my college best friend, who literally the day before the computer died told me that he’d been through more components than he could count on his desktop (a twin to mine, built with almost identical parts during the same 12-hour late-night computer-building binge).  I’d never had a problem with it before, so it’s all his fault! 🙂

Anyway, he and his wife are coming over this weekend for Fourth of July so I’m hoping he can take a quick look and tell me whether it’s good and truly dead or if (just maybe) I mis-wired the power supply.  Regardless, the laptop doesn’t have enough computing power to load Photoshop (despite the fact that it’s a version almost 12 years old).  So I had a decision: wait until I can process and “properly” label each photo, or ditch the label and just put up photos.

Honestly, I think my photos are good.  And the reason I’d put a label on them in the first place is because I know how darn easy it is for someone to take photos from one website and put them on another, whether or not they take credit for them.  But I haven’t been a fan of the label for a little while, and I’ve been considering just placing a watermark on the photo, so now seems like a good time to start.

Aaaaand, with that (probably the longest post in the history of this blog), I give you my photo for the day.  Red leaf lettuce.

This is actually one of three plants growing right now in my backyard.  One of several veggies I grew that we’re going to get to eat during our 4th of July BBQ!

In Bloom San Diego Floral and Nature Photography, 2010

Enjoy the holiday weekend and be safe!

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